Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
Well, I somewhat forgot to update the blog with the confirmation of my fortnightly radio hijinks. Jose is now my erudite host and today’s dissection of the Loudon and Moran article was, I think, rather thorough. Here’s a link to the article and my rebuttal:
Next time around we’ll be fisking chem trails. So, until then, watch the skies!
(I’ve always wanted to say that.)

The Dentith Files
This week Matthew Dentith looks at claims that the Soviet Union had plans and, indeed, went about gaining influence within New Zealand unions. The aim was to undermine and destroy ANZUS and it’s argued that New Zealand’s much vaunted anti-nuclear policy was a result of that.
Matthew’s not so sure, or, at least, he sees no evidence for it.
Listen and then have a gander at Matthew’s post on his blog about the subject. There’s links to the original article written by Peter Cresswell, and Trevor Loudon.
Note bene: The original article was written by Trevor Loudon and Bernard Moran. Peter Cresswell just linked to it.