Well, I just finished it. In leiu of the short review (coming soon) here are my tweets on the subject. You’ll need to read from the bottom up to make sense of it, and it won’t make much sense.
92 seconds ago, using TweetDeck
And now we’re getting into pro-Christian territory.
13 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
I was right about Mal’akh’s identity.
36 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
The crisis of National Security is finding out what the Freemasons do, in re their initiations. Really?
41 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
Langdon really is just a character rather than THE character in this book.
99 minutes ago, using txt
Robert Langdon just drowned. Possibly to death.
105 minutes ago, using txt
Evil priest? Well, is there any other kind?
137 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
Could it be that the villain (or the patsy) is the son of one of the other characters?
154 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
The Rosicrucians have just made an appearance. This is the worst rewrite of “Foucault’s Pendulum” ever.
173 minutes ago, using TweetDeck
Darth Vader is in the story as well. Luke’s dark father.
3 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Hmm… Satanism.
3 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Now the Great Beast has been cited.
3 hours ago, using TweetDeck
They’re are about to go to Leigh Teabing’s place.Well, this book’s equivalent. Hope he’s got PowerPoint.
4 hours ago, using TweetDeck
This book’s artist par excellence is Albrecht Durer.
4 hours ago, using TweetDeck
The villain character is as clichéd as that Hashisheen and the Albino.
4 hours ago, using TweetDeck
The CIA have an X-ray device thst can detect tiny text on a 2″ gold pyramid, apparently.
5 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Off home to eat and continue reading this tripe. It’s proving to be a harder read than expected; I’m just not into it.
7 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Dan Brown’s descriptions know no beginning; inky black voids, nondescript basements. I can believe these to be accurate ala the preface.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck
@monkeyfluids His name is Joachim. He comes from the briny depths to offer the secret of stonemasonry. I think.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck, in response to @monkeyfluids
“Masons in the Basement.” The sequel to “Aliens in the Attack?”
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck
A giant squid has just turned up. No, I’m not kidding. No, it isn’t all that exciting an event, either.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Now, the subbasement. It really needs to get gripping soon.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck
After 90 pages in a Rotunda Langdon has decided to go visit a featureless basement.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck
@darmeus I keep being interrupted. And Robert Langdon has just spent 90 pages in one place.
8 hours ago, using TweetDeck, in response to @darmeus
The scientist has access to OCR software that translates from obscure and dead languages. She backs up to holographic storage. Masons, eh?
10 hours ago, using TweetDeck
The Bond villain has just arrived.
11 hours ago, using TweetDeck
@darmeus I wish I had popcorn.
11 hours ago, using TweetDeck, in response to @darmeus
Lunch break, just as the scientist enters the Noetics lab.
11 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Took a break for a haircut. Back at it; someone has lost an arm.
12 hours ago, using TweetDeck
The villain is non-Christian; we’re meant to think he is Muslim. He won’t be, ala “Angels and Demons.”
13 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Langdon is apparently Christian. This must be an apology, through the character, for ‘The Da Vinci Code.’
13 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Langdon seems to teach an awful lot of spurious courses at Harvard. Does his Faculty know? I’m sure the Dean would not approve.
13 hours ago, using TweetDeck
The reference in chapter 1 to ties will foreshadow an attempt on Langdon’s life later in the book.
13 hours ago, using TweetDeck
Moko are mentioned.
14 hours ago, using txt
It is mine. Off to the office to work on it.
14 hours ago, using txt
I went to find Dan Brown. I found a new Iain Banks.
14 hours ago, using txt
It depresses me that the first novel I will read this year is a) in October and b) “The Lost Symbol.”
14 hours ago, using txt
The squid is the only character that interests me.
I seriously don’t think I have read such a load of crap for a very long time!
What a disappointment! I am an avid reader and was determined to stick it out till the end….. why oh why did I bother !
Thanks for your hilarious and well written review !
A friend of mine said Dan Brown is like Mac Donalds he should be a franchisee !
Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in twenty years, we start getting ‘Dan Brown’ novels written by other people, just like recent ‘Clive Custler’ works.