Category: Dentith Files

The Dentith Files – 24 Hour Movie Marathon phone-in

We didn’t talk Conspiracy Theories this week; rather, we talked about my latest experiment in sleep deprivation, Ant Timpson’s 10th 24 Hour Movie Marathon. I’ve already listed the films and my thoughts on them, so you can listen to me and Ant discuss the marathon as it happened.

The Dentith Files – Sinister Organisations

I’ve been away the last month, living in ‘exile’ on the North Shore. As of yesterday I have returned to Grey Lynn. I’ve baked cookies, gone for a walk, slept in my own bed and, as is usual, presented another episode of ‘The Dentith Files.’

This week we talked about how organisations become sinister…

The Dentith Files – “The Lost Symbol” Review

The Dentith Files – Mongolian Death Worm

Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!

Today’s show was a just a little different; rather than discussing Conspiracy Theories I had my friend David Farrier come on and talk about his Gobi desert exploits searching for the cryptozoological specimen, the Mongolian Death Worm.

We also made time to get in contact with Bill Napier, New Zealand’s premier cryptozoologist, who we distracted from the mowing in order to discuss the recent Polish clip of a Bigfoot.

Next time, ‘The Lost Symbol,’ I think. I should have some fairly detailed comments on it by then.

The Dentith Files – The Obama Birth Certificate (redux)

Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!

Today I told half the population that I hated them.

And I do.

I also spoke on the Conspiracy Theories surrounding Barack Obama’s birth certificate, an issue José and I had previously explored a while back. New developments, new thoughts and a lot of cultural criticism of America’s “left.”

The Dentith Files – Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories

The Moon Landing, eh? Some people doubt it ever occurred, others doubt it occurred the way the Official Theories tell us it did. Whatever the case, Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy Theories, some of which James and I discussed this week.

Also, a quick reminder that I’m presenting the draft of my paper to the Skeptics in September this afternoon, 5-6pm, in the Patrick Hannan Room in Arts II at the University of Auckland.