Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
Today we spoke about my thesis endgame and the whole issue of how you infer that people are conspiring (as well as a little talk about the folk psychology everyone seems to be using in re the Tony Veitch aftermath).
And a fair amount of TV talk…
We also had some inadvertant fun after the session when it turn out that certain mics that were meant to be off were in fact still on. Thanks to the texting efforts of Mr. Ewan Cowie we were saved from true scandal.
Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
So, another show, this time on causal anti-semiticism (which features no actual causal anti-semiticism from me but may feature so causal anti-Irish sentiment… Well, in jest. Anyway, to commit a fallacy, I do have Irish hair so I know of which I speak).
The Dentith Files
This week Matthew has a good look at casual antisemitism that exists in some literature on conspiracy theories.
Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
Another day, another lack of a dollar. Today, about a month out of sync, we discussed Te Tiriti O Waitangi and the so-called ‘Littlewood Treaty.’ I would write more but I spent a large chuck of last night shooting zombies and I’m now very tired.
Update: I said that the English version of the Treaty sent to Westminster was a translation of the Maori. This is incorrect.
Further Reading
A summary of the case put forward by the One Foundation and others.
The One Foundation website (a victim of the Investigate school of web design).
A link to the blog Reading The Maps’ comments page where someone has posted correspondence between Ross Baker and Paul Moon.
Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
I’m told I rambled a little today and that I need to be a little less abtract, what with my zigging off into ‘They believe X when really they should believe Y’ and being a little too ‘conversation with a mate’ rather than elucidating you, the audience.
So, will try better next time.
The Dentith Files
A little something for The Dentith Files this week. Matthew looks at how conspiracy theories are constructed and how people think them up. To illustrate Matthew takes the Residential Tenancy Act and brews up a conspiracy around it.
Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
Well, I must admit that this week’s episode was a bit rambling and maybe not entirely clear as to its purpose. We discussed Bishop Williamson, of the Society of St. Pius X, a (formerly?) schismatic order of the Roman Catholic Church and his/their association with anti-semiticism and Holocaust denial.
I suspect the really strong coffees José and I had just prior to the show (it turns out that I’m as a good a barista as I am a drink pourer; everything I touch (in respect to liquids) is a tad too strong) made us a little scatty (but not scatological, unlike last time) and so maybe the Conspiracy Theory point was lost. Still, we discussed the rather byzantium way that the Roman Catholic Church and the Society of St. Pius X are operating under and how none of this is good in any way, shape or form.
The Dentith Files
Matthew gets elbow deep into the story of Bishop Richard Williamson and the Society of St. Pius X.< Williamson is one of four bishops from the Society of St. Pius X who were excommunication no more after the Vatican welcomed them back into the fold last month. Alas almost at the same time Williamson said in a television interview he did not believe any Jews were gassed during the Holocaust. Yikes.
So, what is the Society of St. Pius X; why did they have their excommunication lifted in the first place and why is this all so bloody complicated?
Between 2008 and 2010, Matthew Dentith first joined 95bFM’s Simon Pound, then José Barbosa, on Sunday mornings to talk about conspiracy theories. Listen, as they say, again!
Well, that certainly was the week that was. Next time; well, who knows. I’m knee deep in PHIL105 baby.
The Dentith Files
Matthew “Mysterio” Dentith kicks off 2009 with a look at the place compounds and communes have in the world of conspiracy theories.
Waco and the Oklahoma bombings are examined as well as former National front leader Kyle Chapman apparent attempts to start an “exclusive community” in Canterbury.