Tag: Fiction

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

When the song you hear whilst reading the sixth book in an on-going series is ‘Gethsemane’ from ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ then you know something is wrong.

Then I was inspired
Now I’m sad and tired
Listen surely I’ve exceeded

The book is overwritten; massively so. It feels like a book that has been produced to set up the final text in the series. I’m disappointed in ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.’ It is a competent book; the character development (in parts) is believeable (to the point that the teenagers really are aggravating) and the strands from earlier stories are beginning to be drawn towards their inevitable conclusion. It isn’t startlingly good, however, and Rowling can write well. Very well; this is why the books work in both the adult and children’s market.

Why then am I scared
To finish what I started
What you started
I didn’t start it

I’m more than willing to take some of the blame for this; the market created a want for J. K. Rowling to produce bigger books and she has provided her fans with exactly what they wanted. In return we’ve provided her with fame and wealth and, I suspect quite sadly, no real need to write.

Pity really. Still, what wouldn’t I give to be in her position…

(Answers on a postcard)

Two off the list…

Well, I’ve finished the first draft of ‘You Must Be,’ my story about personal identity and the roles we are asked to play in society. It must be about time for a birthday; this story is pure, unadulterated angst, but I think it works.

Also, it has a soundtrack; Fiona Apple’s unreleased songs ‘Extraordinary Machine’ and ‘A Better Version of Me.’

(Actually, all my stories have associated music. It would be a glorious day if I could release a soundtrack to a fiction anthology. I do want to write a book that has a designated soundtrack per chapter… And write a musical in which the music licensing would be so great that no one would ever be able to make it…)

Expect more news on this late next week when I massacre the first draft for the sake of the second.

(And I’m over my cold. Thanks for the concern, people…)

Forthcoming Zombies

Well, the news is in and the news is good; ‘Final Call,’ one of those two zombie stories I mentioned a while back, has been accepted for publication in issue one of Revenant.

The story owes just a little to ‘Shaun of the Dead’ and the entire Romero opus, but it stands on its own in its special little way.

Plus, you can never have too many stories about the ill effects of drinking now, can you?

I’ll take that as a ‘No.’

Lord Morrisey Morrisey and his wartime chum Stickle in `The Resampled Six Channel Stereogram!’

Well, a good friend told me that I could put a Lord Morrisey Morrisey sketch online for the elucidation of all and sundry, and I thought the idea was good.

I was wrong.

The idea was sound; the problem is all about time.

A few weeks back my writing and lecturing partner, Jon, went to Australia to educate people about the evils of intellectual property rights, a worthy cause and one that also gave me free reign to teach as I pleased for an entire week. I had written a Morrisey and Stickle sketch for the Thursday wherein we would have an example of a conspiracy. Because Jon was to be away we prerecorded his dialogoue and I rewrote the sketch so that Commodore Stickle was giving information over the phone from the fictitious country of Rutultania.

Alright, enough background.

Last night I decided that it was just the right time to quickly bung together all the extant SFX and vocal work, quickly record the rest of the dialogue and then put it all together.

The word ‘quickly’ has never been so wrong.

To produce three minutes worth of work it took me over two and a half hours; had I known it would take so long I would have taken more time with my own voice overs, seeing that the Morrisey, Maxim and Narrator parts were recorded quickly and dirtily. I should have taken the script and worked out, exactly, what my voice should have sounded like at each moment, and I should have been more careful to make sure that the three parts actually sounded different. But, as I thought this was going to be the work of a moment to produce, I did not.

One hopes to learn from this mistake.

More importantly, for the long term, the process was educational. I was using ‘Cacophony,’ an OS X sound editor that supports multiple channels, which was a help when creating the different dialogue tracks and putting music into the background, but the implementation left much to be desired, as it was fairly awkward to place dialogue on to a channel and the inability to play all the channels at once without resampling down to stereo was a definite hindrance. The ‘Jack Danger and Trip Hazard’ material I plan to write post March of next year will be fairly complex pieces of sound engineering, and now I know that professional equipment (or professional software) is a must for this kind of work.

Enough of my worries; for those who want to hear the sketch, here it is: The Mysterious Case of the Aspirant Demagogue Be warned; it really is part of a pedagogy and thus probably only has value when appreciated in a lecture with the surrounding material.

Second Draft

The other night, when far too tired to work (long, long party…) on ‘For the Time After’ (which I may rename to ‘After You’ve Gone’) I wrote another of my ‘Stories I Should Never Write’ entitled ‘Post Mortem Rudeness.’ A delightful tale of zombie revenge from the grave. ‘Twas a straight run of writing the near one thousand words… And I’m not sure whether I should give it an edit.
     Traditionally these ‘quickies/shorties’ I write and then post; they’re writing exercises and little more. Yet I seem tempted to give this one a polish. Possibly because I think it could end, well, better (like that sentence). Possibly because there a few jokes I didn’t get to cram in. Mostly because it might be informative to post both the first draft and the second draft and see if anyone ever comments upon the differences… So, as an HORansome first, you get two versions of the same story (actually, if my files were complete this would have already happened; one of the ‘Servant’ stories that is missing, presumed lost, was, to my horror after the fact, a virtual retread of an earlier story). Read on and enjoy.

          Post Mortem Rudeness [First Draft] [Second Draft]

Hmm. Not sure whether the second draft really improves it…

More Juvenilia

I’ve just updated the ‘Short Fiction’ page with some more of my very early writing efforts, namely ‘Painful Memories’ and ‘Party Games’.
     It has been a very productive day. Thank you to the nameless party that has, by efforts not of their planning or my want, has made this spate of productivity possible.
     Not that it makes it all alright, but it helps.