Tag: On Writing Fiction

Lord Morrisey Morrisey and his wartime chum Stickle in `The Resampled Six Channel Stereogram!’

Well, a good friend told me that I could put a Lord Morrisey Morrisey sketch online for the elucidation of all and sundry, and I thought the idea was good.

I was wrong.

The idea was sound; the problem is all about time.

A few weeks back my writing and lecturing partner, Jon, went to Australia to educate people about the evils of intellectual property rights, a worthy cause and one that also gave me free reign to teach as I pleased for an entire week. I had written a Morrisey and Stickle sketch for the Thursday wherein we would have an example of a conspiracy. Because Jon was to be away we prerecorded his dialogoue and I rewrote the sketch so that Commodore Stickle was giving information over the phone from the fictitious country of Rutultania.

Alright, enough background.

Last night I decided that it was just the right time to quickly bung together all the extant SFX and vocal work, quickly record the rest of the dialogue and then put it all together.

The word ‘quickly’ has never been so wrong.

To produce three minutes worth of work it took me over two and a half hours; had I known it would take so long I would have taken more time with my own voice overs, seeing that the Morrisey, Maxim and Narrator parts were recorded quickly and dirtily. I should have taken the script and worked out, exactly, what my voice should have sounded like at each moment, and I should have been more careful to make sure that the three parts actually sounded different. But, as I thought this was going to be the work of a moment to produce, I did not.

One hopes to learn from this mistake.

More importantly, for the long term, the process was educational. I was using ‘Cacophony,’ an OS X sound editor that supports multiple channels, which was a help when creating the different dialogue tracks and putting music into the background, but the implementation left much to be desired, as it was fairly awkward to place dialogue on to a channel and the inability to play all the channels at once without resampling down to stereo was a definite hindrance. The ‘Jack Danger and Trip Hazard’ material I plan to write post March of next year will be fairly complex pieces of sound engineering, and now I know that professional equipment (or professional software) is a must for this kind of work.

Enough of my worries; for those who want to hear the sketch, here it is: The Mysterious Case of the Aspirant Demagogue Be warned; it really is part of a pedagogy and thus probably only has value when appreciated in a lecture with the surrounding material.

Presenting Lord Morrisey Morrisey and his wartime chum, Able Seaman Stickle, in: ‘The Notoriously Late Introduction!’

Have I ever introduced you to Lord Morrisey Morrisey?
     I thought as much. Seeing that few, if any, of you are fee-paying students of mine you probably are completely unaware of my latest writing project, the historical mystery series of Lord Morrisey Morrisey and his ever changing in rank (and service) wartime chum, Stickle. In part this is an answer to a recent question of what I have been writing, fiction-wise, recently. The answer, as it is not currently clear, is that I have been working on little two minute audio dramas that I then produce and perform in.
     Somewhat based on the episodic nature of radio detective serials, with a dosing of faux-Victoriana, Lord Morrisey Morrisey has been in a few fairly interesting cases. ‘The Unusual Case of the Corpulent Fowl,’ ‘The Fascinating Conundrum of the Absent Page,’ ‘The Strange Affair of the Black Murumba!’ and his latest escapade, ‘The Case of the Aspirant Demagogue.’ We have theme music, sound effects, background noise and a cast of… Well, three. But there will be more.
     The task (enjoyable as it is) of writing these snippets of larger stories has been interesting; you need to feel that you really have just come across an episode of a far larger work yet still be able to understand what is going on in this particular episode. it is, I suspect, rather akin to the way soap operas work, in that a good soap opera is one where you can sit down and watch an episode several years into the main storyline and be able to pick up on the salient details within a twenty-two minute slot. It helps to be using a well-recognised formula (the detective duo) and an easily recognisable period (Holmesian Victorian England). The comedy helps as well.
     The eventual aim of this is to write a full half-hour story featuring Morisey and Stickle and record it professionally. It is part of a plan Jon and I have for a new Critical Thinking textbook which would use the individual scenes as examples of fallacies and suchlike. Our take on reason and argument is fairly different to the available textbooks and courses being taught, and this could be the ‘zing,’ as Bertie would put it, to make our work the cat’s pajamas.
     And here are some non-representative samples of the plays…

Morrisey: Enough of the Johnny Foreigner politics, Stickle. Tell me of the threat to the monarchy of England!

Stickle: Oh, I agree. Why, the other day we were speaking about the mysterious chucaphra…

Morrisey: Your interest in cryptozoology is commendable, Stickle, but let us return to our suspects.

Morrisey: That, Stickle, is a matter to which I want an answer. Who would want to kill an unsightly, ghastly creature such as a film critic?

And it all leads towards writing and producing the ‘Jack Danger and Trip Hazard’ radio series Jon and I have planned for next year.
     Radio really is the next TV phenomena. You read it here.

Death Threats

So, someone accused me of writing a death note (I presume she meant a death threat, because the connotations of a ‘death note’ play out very differently in my mind)… Which, if a good friend of mine (and former flatmate) is correct in his assessment, is a drastic misinterpretation of a doodle committed whilst stuck on hold.
     Like most people, I’ve spent my time in the trenches of telephonic warfare, awaiting the signal from HQ to go over the top and actually speak to a salesperson or related ‘qualified’ tradesperson. Some people doodle when they are stuck in the intermidable wait that is the labyrinth of modern phone policy; I tend to write down pieces of dialogue or character ideas that wander through the muzak. I sometimes wonder whether I should go full time into the ringing of large corporations and multi-nationals; the horrible suspicion is that my idea hit rate might sky rocket (whilst my bank account will fall ever lower as I buy lawn furniture and a collection of ‘Massacred Gnomes’).
     I’ve been pondering for several years now a rather large issue in re my writing, which is that what I would really like to write about are all-powerful entities who can do almost anything they please, and make such a written testament a) worth reading and b) a character study. The problem I have is that all-powerful characters who can almost anything are rather boring to read (I feel, at least) as they, well, don’t face many issues other than which almighty superpower to use this time around. Thus I’ve worked out lots of dialogue and pieces of angsty thoughts for such characters (all powerful characters often become goths, if only for a dirty weekend in Soho; I actually want to avoid that (the goths, not the dirty weekend, which is another matter best not mentioned to the parents)) but not much in the way of a plot. The Servant stories have been my closest attempt to work this through, and it’s been a bit of a step forward and a loll backwards in achieving what I want. I’m especially interested in having all powerful characters kill other characters and make it interesting. Not by way of how they die but rather why, and for what expressed reason.
     Thus, if friend and (former-)flatmate is right then a few words that struck me (and they probably weren’t very good ones) whilst listening to yet another bad cover of ‘The Carpenters’, written down so as to become meaningless in a few days time when the context escapes me, have been taken as a threat of death… Which has a lot of virtue, I am sure, although it strikes me as almost entirely post-modern, seeing that the reader(s) read in a lot of information which I am sure wasn’t there in the first instance.
     It’d all be a lot funnier if I hadn’t also been told that I apparently barely escaped criminal charges for writing it…

For those of you wondering how the submission is going, then I can say that I know as much as you do. One rejection (almost six months late) for a zombie story I wrote a long while back; not entirely sure where I will send this one next. It is the Year of the Zombie (revised Chinese Chronology) and thus such stories will have a brief surge of popularity before the five or so ideas are wrung out (Still, wouldn’t mind turning the story into a novel one day). Otherwise, I await replies and work on my other major writing project, the thesis. Very little new fiction is being produced (on paper, at least). If only that ‘Spore’ story would sell…

Second Draft

The other night, when far too tired to work (long, long party…) on ‘For the Time After’ (which I may rename to ‘After You’ve Gone’) I wrote another of my ‘Stories I Should Never Write’ entitled ‘Post Mortem Rudeness.’ A delightful tale of zombie revenge from the grave. ‘Twas a straight run of writing the near one thousand words… And I’m not sure whether I should give it an edit.
     Traditionally these ‘quickies/shorties’ I write and then post; they’re writing exercises and little more. Yet I seem tempted to give this one a polish. Possibly because I think it could end, well, better (like that sentence). Possibly because there a few jokes I didn’t get to cram in. Mostly because it might be informative to post both the first draft and the second draft and see if anyone ever comments upon the differences… So, as an HORansome first, you get two versions of the same story (actually, if my files were complete this would have already happened; one of the ‘Servant’ stories that is missing, presumed lost, was, to my horror after the fact, a virtual retread of an earlier story). Read on and enjoy.

          Post Mortem Rudeness [First Draft] [Second Draft]

Hmm. Not sure whether the second draft really improves it…

Writing a Sequel to an Unsold Story

Good afternoon.
     I’m currently writing a thematic sequel to ‘Sympathy for the Enemy’ a story that I’m trying to sell to the Australasian market. It’s actually got a fairly good chance of acceptance (1 in 3, which is better betting odds than most; hurrah for informed decision making processes), but it’s not exactly a done deal, is it? So why, the bloody hell, am I writing another story related to it?
     Well, on one level you don’t need to have ever read ‘Sympathy for the Enemy’ to make sense of ‘For the Time After’ (well, that’s the plan). Also, it’s a thematic sequel (regular readers of this column will know my distaste of sequels…) and thus if the first story gets rejected the second can still be sent out into the wilderness…
     Which leads me to the big question; if ‘Sympathy of the Enemy’ does sell, do I submit the thematic sequel to the same magazine or send it elsewhere? I have two other story ideas set in the same milieu, one of which is straight horror and thus not really applicable to the market this unnamed magazine sits in. If I ever write this story then I can’t really send it in good conscience to the magazine in question (although if they were to take story one and two, then I could send the third (if it were the third) in with a ‘I know it really isn’t your kind of thing, but…’ note attached to it…)… It’s all rather worrying (the number of ‘…’ I have in this paragraph alone (along with my bracketted asides in bracketted asides)).
     Still, am actualy writing non-academic work, so life be good

Another Short Short

Due to underwhelming demand I have added another piece to my ‘Sundry Fiction Extravaganza!’
     Don’t all rush here all at once now.
     Anyway, a little background as to what the ‘Sundry…’ material is…
     Most of my work is stored on a folder in various disk images scattered over East Sheckley, and it is intended that these pieces should make their way into the wide world of print, or die trying.
     Which is to say that I write a lot more than ever gets posted on this site.
     No matter what the world would like you to think, web-publishing (self web-publishing, I should add) is not held in that high an esteem by the literary world. Yes, famous authors can post their stories, but that’s because they have an established fan base. Upstarts, like myself, could well flood the net with material, but would it be very good?
     The answer to that is no. Oh, there is lots of good fiction online; visit ‘Lies’ to read some of it. But that isn’t the norm. The norm is for stories to be crap.
     Not a very good norm, is it? No…
     Thus most of my work is intended for a peer-reviewed print-based system.
     But not everything I write will be suitable for print. Partially because I haven’t read every journal, and thus often don’t know of a suitable market, sometimes because the work is too short.
     But often I just want to play with an idea, or a set of character types… Or just something.
     So I post it here, in its first draft nature.
     That is all.

P.S. Will the person(s) who have been reading ‘Life after Death’ please contact me?

P.P.S. And finally, will that certain person who is keeping tabs on this page and my updates but isn’t keeping contact with me at least send an e-mail in re their well being. We should probably talk.