Tag: Teaching


Well, the teaching component of my summer school class is now over; only the exam and then sweet sweet release for about a week. Then it’s back to teaching again.

In Semester One I am teaching up at the Med School again (thus ensuring that future medical professionals will be… well, who knows) and am engaging in a pilot e-learning version of my CCE Critical Thinking course. We’re incorporating an online component to the six week lectures and either it is going to be very exciting or a dismal flop (I can’t really see a third option at this point in time, but I am very tired and need about fifteen minutes prep time to have a single thought).

Anyway, at some point new thesis materials will appear online. I’ve also got a curious tale to tell about refereeing, but I may have to be cautious in just how it gets told.

Be Seeing You.

Critical Thunking

Standard Form

P1. I am very busy teaching.
P2. Part of being busy teaching means making slides.
C. I am making slides.

One of the slides, on first test, came out a bit wonky. I have preserved the wonkiness for future generations (but spared the class its eldritch glory).

CCE – Critical Thinking

It’s that time of year again, the time where I point out that people like you (living in Auckland, admittedly) can enrol in my Critical Thinking course. This one actually seems to get to its maximum capacity quite quickly so if you are thinking about it I’d recommend getting in soon.

Also, there might well be a new and possibly exciting online component to this version. CCE has a new software system and I might be the lucky guinea pig.

And by `I’ I actually mean you.

Enrol or check it out here.